
Sunday, January 31, 2021

How do they do so much in a day?

I'm sure we've all had occasions when we've looked on in awe and wondered, perhaps out loud, how someone's able to fit in as much as they do. While we're still pondering tonight's dinner menu they may well have been to the gym, organised the food shop, made several important calls, volunteered at a local charity and completed an important piece of work.

How do they do so much?

- Being organised is the key to getting things done. Without organisation things can become too random, dipping in and out of tasks with very little focus or planning. Lists can be an efficient way of introducing order and method, so enabling things to be sorted by degree of urgency.

- Some things are too big or complicated to tackle in one go. Input or a contribution may be required from a third-party, so being efficient is about passing things on quickly so that each person can tackle their part. Keep an eye on what's going on and where individual tasks are up to.

- Delegating is a valuable tool in a busy life. Being precious and insisting on doing everything yourself may feel like an important position to protect, but not everything needs to be jealously guarded. Let others help, share in the story and maybe come up with new, even better ideas. It motivates everyone when they're included as part of the team.

- Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you start. There's no need to practice-run every possible scenario or set of circumstances in advance. Often things come together well enough once you begin. Allow your mindset to be flexible and receptive to different possibilities and enjoy where it takes you, unless it's one of those times when it's essential to follow very specific criteria.

Double up. Some social arrangements could, under normal circumstances, potentially be combined. Eating out, seeing a show or concert and catching up with friends may successfully maximise your time and create almost a party atmosphere. Equally business networking combined with a game of golf pulls together two areas of life, as does exercising or enjoying a hobby with family or friends.

- Hire help. Certain routine or mundane tasks like ironing, cleaning and gardening may be worth outsourcing. It may be worth paying good money to free up your time for other things. Equally, tasks outside your area of expertise may be better done by someone else, rather than having you spend hours agonising over your accounts, admin or design work.

- Learn to say 'no' appropriately. When we work for ourselves or are new to a location, are keen to fit in and be accepted it can be tempting to say 'yes' and agree to everything. Sometimes we need to review what we're already committed to, or we may run ourselves ragged, trying to accommodate everything and everybody.

- Take regular breaks and recharge. A twenty-minute break gives enough time to eat a healthy snack, hydrate, maybe get outside for some fresh air. Often people find that they then return to work with a clearer mind and renewed enthusiasm for the job in hand.

- Remember to give yourself credit for each achievement. Rather than systematically working your way through your list, instead pause to appreciate each stage of the journey, every task completed.

And sometimes might it be relevant to ask yourself why you do so much, why you allow your time to be so fully occupied. Some people are constantly busy because they need to be in control and are loathe to pass on work to others for fear it may result in them being cut out of the loop, it may allow others to be seen to do a better job or have their mistakes and shortcomings discovered.

FOMO, fear of missing out, having something to prove, trying to be indispensable, not wanting to let go of the reins and filling every second with meaningful activity can all create their own stress.

But then, there are those people who are eager to try everything that's on the menu, can't wait to sample every option that's on offer. Whilst not wanting to dampen their enthusiasm too much, it's also important to take time to rest, savour, rehearse and make the best choices for you. Enjoy doing one thing at a time. You can always return another day and try a different delicacy.

Susan Leigh, counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon & with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life.

To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit

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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Find and Live Your Exciting Dreams

We have just ended year 2020, which had its challenges. I do not know what your dreams were and whether you lived them. Now we have entered year 2021. May be there were some disappointments on how things turned out to be. But not all hope is lost.

You need to keep on dreaming as long as there is still breath in you. Things can still happen. A dream refers to what you want to be or achieve in your life. You acknowledge that you are not there yet. The dream may relate to any aspect of your life. This maybe about your career, job, marriage, family, business, or ministry.

The good news is that it is possible. You can achieve your goals in life and live your dreams. What can help you live your dream?

1) Know exactly what your dream is

Some people have several dreams, but they are not precise. They are unable to put them down in clear and concise words. Write down your dream, which is turned into a goal with a timeline. When asked about their dreams, some people appear not to be sure or tend to generalize. Know exactly what you want to achieve in life in each period.

2) Read your dream every day so you can paint it in your heart

Once you have written down your dream, ensure that it is in an easily accessible place. See it every day. Read and think about it until it is fixed in your mind. By so doing, you are planting it in your subconscious mind. Once it is in your subconscious mind, it shall be fulfilled as all required resources shall be found.

3) Take the required action

Act on the idea you shall receive towards the fulfilment of your dream. Your subconscious mind shall play a great deal in finding the way. Put in place a plan as guided by your heart. Action is important. Once you are prompted by your heart to act, act without delays.

The limit to living your dream is you. Once you desire some thing enough, you shall be driven to achieving and living your dream. Know exactly what you want out of life. Then write it down and read it. That paints a picture in your heart, especially if it is mixed with emotion. It is possible. Always remember, action is particularly important for anything to happen.

Visit for more information. Hire Me as Your Life Coach. I will assist you achieve the goals of your life in any area- Finances, Career, Marriage, Relationships, etc.

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Friday, January 29, 2021

How To Choose Your True Goals

We often hear, individuals speak about, setting goals, and appropriately, using them, to become better, etc, but, too often, we fail to pay sufficient attention to how to decide, consider, evaluate, understand, and choose, our personal, true GOALS! After, over four decades, of involvement, in a variety of areas, related to personal development, and enhancement/ achievement, from advising, training, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, to, conducting thousands of personal development seminars, I have come to the conclusion, not only, is this process, important and significant, but, often, makes the difference, between becoming our personal best, versus, settling for, far - less! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Guidance; guide; greater; genuine; goal - setting: One of the key reasons, for quality, goal - setting, is, when done, thoroughly, it provides meaningful, personal guidance, which should guide us, towards, our best path, forward! If, we wish, to become, truly, greater, we will take this action, seriously, and proceed, wisely, etc, and proactively, forward!

2. Open - mind; options; opportunities; original; optimize: Our best performance comes form proceeding, with an open - mind, and considering viable options, and alternatives, towards a quest, to optimize our overall performance, happiness, etc! This process considers a variety of options and alternatives, seeks meaningful opportunities, and taking advantage of, and, instead of trying to be, just - like, everyone else, seeks to become, the best, original, person, we might possibly, be!

3. Attitude; aptitude; actions; attention: To become, the best, we can be, requires, proceeding, with a realistic, positive, can - do, attitude, combined with the discipline, and commitment, to learn, and discover, the skill - set, and quality, aptitude, which enhances, our possibilities! When we pay, keen attention, and focus, on self - improvements, and the possibilities, our chances, improve, dramatically!

4. Like/ love; listen; learn; lessons; level - headed: Level - headed, reasoning, needs to be based on effectively, listening, and, consistently, learning, from every conversation, and experience, in order to gain expertise, judgment, and, hopefully, true wisdom! When, we consider these, as life's lessons, it assists us, with setting the most, personally - meaningful goals!

5. Strengthen; stronger; sustainable; solutions; services: Our experiences, when used, effectively, strengthen us, and make us, stronger. We must consider options, on, both, a relevant and sustainable manner, so we consider, and choose, those solutions, which best - service, our personal, best - interests!

Set your GOALS, use quality, goal - setting, and strive, to achieve your personal best! Only you can determine, by giving yourself a check - up, from the neck - up, and being, objectively - introspective, your best path, to follow!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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Thursday, January 28, 2021

VIDEO: Les Brown's 15 Minute Morning Motivational Speech

 Les Brown is one of the best Motivational Speakers in the world today! 

Listen to this 15 minute talk by Les Brown! Listen to it every morning if you want to crush your day ahead! Reach your full potential ... listen to Les Brown here!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Why Procrastination Must Be Addressed Proactively?

Although, most people define procrastination, as, putting - off, until tomorrow, things, we should have done, today, for many, of us, these actions, would have made, far more sense, to do, yesterday! Far, too often, we delay, taking certain, sensible steps, either, due to fears, lack of personal courage, an ill - perceived, notion, things will go - away, on their own, etc, but, the reality, generally, is, only, by facing the facts, and proactively, moving forward, will we have any chance, of making things better, etc! With that, in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 specific reasons, it is essential, to proceed, with an open - mind, and proceed, proactively, etc.

1. Won't go away, on its own: You can't run - away, from challenges, nor let your personal fears, etc, control, your behavior, etc! The reality is, it is, almost always, easier, to address, challenges, obstacles, etc, sooner, rather than later! It's up, to you, whether you will control your destiny, proactively, and in your best - interests, or let obstacles, restrict, your ability, to become, the best, you can be! Remember, obstacles, don't usually, go away, on their own!

2. Gets worse, if not addressed: No matter, how scared/ frightened, you are, about something, in, nearly, all case, things get worse, when they are not addressed, in a well - considered, strategic, timely manner! This doesn't mean, doing so, is easy, but, if/ when, you delay/ procrastinate, things, generally, get worse, and more difficult to overcome!

3. Need for strategic planning: When, was the last time, you took the time, and made the effort, to give yourself, a check - up, from the neck - up? Just, as great leaders, must proceed, using, strategic planning, so should you, personally! Doing so, helps you, identify, what your personal strengths, and weaknesses, are, what you perceive and prioritize, and all related aspects, to moving forward, in the best, possible way!

4. Well - considered, action plan: Addressing things, effectively, requires proceeding, with a well - considered, action plan, and sticking, to - it! Will you escape the self - imposed, restrictions, of your comfort zone, and do, what's needed, and necessary, to make yourself, better, happier, and more contented, etc?

5. Proceed forward: Often, individuals are willing to be introspective, consider options, and alternatives, plan, strategically, and from an action - oriented, standpoint, but, end up, procrastinating, when we should, proceed forward.

Will you take the actions, and steps, which might make you, proceed, smarter, and happier, etc, or, resort to procrastination, letting your fears, control you? It's up to you!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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Overcoming 2020... 3 Learnings to Set Yourself Up for 2021

January 1, 2020... this was the day, I am sure, that you had pegged as the beginning of a phenomenal new chapter in your life. 2020 was going to be THE YEAR!

The year you get it together and smashed your goals begin living the life of your dreams and propel yourself into abundance!

I am convinced that's what you had planned... then 2020 happened!

It has been a year of massive frustration and uncertainty where many people have not felt in control and have been exposed to a myriad of influences... predominantly mental and emotional, which has left many feeling hopeless and overwhelmed.

It is a bit of a dark and blunt assessment, but this has been the reality for many, and has been added onto by the restriction of liberty's and an individual ability to exercise freedoms too often taken for granted!

Reflecting back at how 2020 has manifested we fall into the trap of thinking "I hope that never happens again... " but where we have a massive benefit to take away from all that transpired is that we were, collectively, forced out of our comfort zones and the safety that our routines kept us in!

Now I know that many on the extremities did not fair well; redundancy, insolvency, grief, separation and even death were all afflictions experienced by many.

However, for you and I, we were able to confront the challenges imposed on us and treat 2020 as a year of change and of growth where we had to innovate, establish new or better routines and habits.

We also had to assess what we allowed ourselves to be entertained or inspired by...
Effectively the circumstances in 2020 helped strip back all non-essential 'fillers' in our lives and we got to a point of a blank canvas.

This then gave us an opportunity to design and decorate our lives accordingly!

As in all circumstances, its not what happens to us that matters but it is how we respond that will either grow us or regress us.

So, 2020 may have been mediocre, it may have been disastrous, or it may have been phenomenal... the choice is yours to make!

Now I urge you to not let 2020 drift away as you move towards 2021 with a lukewarm mindset and enthusiasm.

You have a brilliant opportunity to set yourself up early for MASSIVE SUCCESS, way ahead of the masses who will only begin to start 'wishing' for some form of luck or prosperity on the 1 January 2021.

Take the time you have, between now and December 31, 2020 to make the changes you know you need to make.

Develop and detail out your goals, your desires and the new life of abundance that you are going to grow into!

Become the person, now, who your future self will be proud of.

The question is how?

Many people will get stuck at this question and not be able to move on from this. However, as a growth minded individual who has a deeper mindfulness about success, you recognise that better questions lead to better results.

With a better series of questions, you will experience a better analysis and assessment of yourself!

3 Learnings

  1. Take control: one thing that has become apparent is that people have given away control... in particular, control of their mindset and what they allow to affect them. Your perceptions, ideas and ability to think are great gifts that you need to take care of and actively engage to ensure you don't lose them.
  2. Take action: an idle mind is a dangerous mind. What you need to remember is that nothing stands still... you are either growing or regressing. The benefit of taking continuous action is that you build a momentum that allows you an agility to respond to changes or obstacles. Taking action also develops a resilience which puts you in a great position to be able to bounce back and recover from unknowns and short-term failures. Taking action also inspires the focus needed to ensure that your concentration is on performance, results, success and the specific outcomes that are going to advance you.
  3. Always focus on your ultimate goal: Linked to the benefits of taking action. By always focusing on your ultimate goal you shift your mindset to a vibration of what good can happen as well as the benefits of potential success. The focus and concentration you expend on your ultimate goal also puts your energy in harmony with the results you desire.
It is essential that the way you finish 2020 is how you start 2021... get ahead of the pack and receive your abundance!

Welcome to invinciblemind!

We believe in your ability to become phenomenal and that you will have a brilliant, uplifting effect on all those around you when you Unleash Your Ultimate Potential!

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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Do You Believe In You? 7 Actions to Ensure Your Ultimate Growth!

I am not sure if you have asked yourself this question in a reflective way; or given it any deep or meaningful thought, but it is a question with a significant amount of depth and worth!

You may approach this question very lightly or feel that it is a very limited concept, only applying to a narrow part of who you are, but your belief in yourself (whether good or bad) permeates every interaction you have, your thoughts, the actions you take and the decision made consciously or subconsciously... fundamentally this question and how you respond to it has a bearing on your entire existence!

Believe In Your Ultimate Potential
You are a phenomenal creation who has been endowed with a brilliant set of skills, capabilities and gifts, which, when given a proper focus, a specific intent and the correct outlet; can be expressed with great significance and have an immense impact on the lives of those around you as well as your society as a whole!

This may perceive to be a rather grand statement and one of inflated promise... but it is true!

You have phenomenal potential within you! A potential that can change lives and your environment for good!

Remove Your Biggest Source of Doubt!
You hold yourself back by adopting a mindset that intrenches itself into a comfort zone. This reinforces some ideas and perceptions that, on face value have their sources in well-meaning character-based principles; however, this is limiting your potential and the ULTIMATE PURPOSE you were created for.

Do not let your defense of the good around you stop you from achieving the great that is on offer!

Some ways this limiting mindset becomes apparent:

You defend your current position or situation. You may not like what you do or how you are living... but you defend it! Your defense manifests in your constant rationalizations of NOT going for your goals or it focuses on the responsibility of now as opposed to the greater responsibility of growth. You defend your results by thinking that this is as good as it is going to get!

You continuously convince yourself that "the successful ones are the lucky ones" and that "you're just unlucky". Well to be frank we all make our own luck... good or bad!

You do not feel that you are able to carry more responsibility than you currently are. You feel that you may get "burnt out" or that more responsibility is only ever a burden. The truth lies in that the more we give, the more we get... we are created to serve and give and do... often way more than we think we are capable of!

You often feel that you do not deserve to partake in the abundance that is around you! You may think and feel that you are not capable of doing what others are able to do.

The alibi that you may reinforce... more abundance more problems! The problems abundance brings are lot better and easier to manage than the problems that poverty, lack or limitation bring.

You have to be thankful for what you got... and that's that! Be thankful, accept and do not ask for more... as though asking will lead to some sort of punishment. Never mistake dissatisfaction with felling ungrateful. We can be thankful and dissatisfied at the same time. A feeling of dissatisfaction is a sign of your inherent desires wanting greater and more effective expression!

Often the religious person may use the "God Willing" alibi as an excuse for a lifetime of weak or non-existent action! For the faithful an expression of increasing faith is one where we demonstrate an increasing belief in ourselves by taking bigger action and making greater sacrifices.

All the above are endemic of the mental cancer that is Doubt or Unbelief!

Begin to change you mindset to eradicate this cancer!

The Best Lies Within...
The best part of a changed mindset is that you are open to the changed perspective that a new awareness brings, along with the belief that new understanding fosters with respect to how you believe in yourself!

Some fundamentals you need to understand:

We have all been created equally and endowed, in equal abundance, with gifts and talents to contribute in increasing measure, to the upliftment and success of everyone we are connected to but more importantly ourselves.

There is an equal amount of time given for all... how we choose to use it is what makes a difference in the results between people.

Adversity is an Opportunity... No one is sheltered from adversity! Your adversity may appear more intense or impossible to overcome but your adversity is unique to you. This is to ensure that the specific development of your unique and wonderful skill and gift along with its intended outcome is realised!

Change is not only possible but necessary.

The brilliant benefit of ever increasing self-belief is that you are able to adapt to circumstances more rapidly, you recognise opportunity to serve and contribute in every interaction. You recognise that you are the best gift you can give when you make the most of yourself to give the best of yourself; all of this is capped off by the mental freedom that comes from knowing that there is no person, opinion, circumstance or situation that will ever hold you back again!

7 Actions to Ensure Your Ultimate Growth!

  1. Decide: do not focus on what you believe is possible based on your current results or status... make a decision for what you really want!
  2. Think in detail: highlight and get very specific about the characteristics, detail and definition of your goal and the freedom this will bring. Think like this constantly as though it is guaranteed!
  3. Take Action: starting with small manageable milestones, begin to implement a changed lifestyle, new discipline and improved routines. Progress to bigger accomplishments and gains as your confidence and your belief increase and become resolute!
  4. Model your behaviours: align your behaviours... the good ones, after a person that has accomplished what you want to accomplish or has attained
  5. Study: we do not know what we do not know... that is why you need to study more about yourself, what makes you... you, the success principles that surround you and also the strategies you can adopt to bring about significant change. Sound knowledge leads to a steadfast belief!
  6. Gratitude: continuously focus on finding a way for your gratitude to increase. Gratitude is a wonderful skill to develop as this connects you intimately with your source of supply!
  7. Persist: the most fundamental way to develop belief is by focusing your efforts and energy into a specific outcome then continuing until this specific outcome has been achieved! Its not over until you Win!

At invinciblemind, we believe in the unlimited potential of the mind and are striving to share the life-changing effects of a renewed mind!

Learn how to Unleash Your Ultimate Potential with invinciblemind... Your future self will thank you for the immense decision!

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Monday, January 25, 2021

VIDEO: Mind Power Introduction with Robin Banks

Mind Power, developed by John Kehoe and presented by Robin Banks, is a practice based on scientific principals, which has proven that everything in the universe is made up of energy.

The differences in the matter we experience, is the result of energy vibrating at different frequencies. You have an energy field around you, which literally attracts circumstances and situations to match your own personal vibration.

This has direct implications on your earning power, success, health and general well being of your life.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

6 Steps to Take Action Right Now

"I wish I didn't play it too safe" said my father then he continued "you're young, so get out and take risks, fail and learn". That was enough for me to take action towards my goals. Just think about it, you work for your goals and you achieve them, wouldn't it be amazing? Easier said than done, right? If you don't give a chance to yourself, it will never happen. 

What is worst, we all tried to do something to make our lives better. Especially, in new years, many people have that 'new year, new me' mindset. Weird enough, they and also you pursued the same habits to achieve different goals. It's like eating chicken and expecting the taste of beef. After all of the failed attempts, you become hopeless and start to believe that you don't have what it takes. The good news? You do have what it takes! 

However, first things first. The main reason you failed in the past is this: you set a goal in your mind, you read, listen, watch and gather information about it. And you forgot the most important part; the execution. Let's say, you want to play violin, have a hot body, or start a business. What do you do? You go for it! You spend too much time learning 'about' your goal that eventually, you run out of energy for the actual goal. 

Hesitation is another issue; you think like should I go for it? Will it be beneficial? Am I going to be successful? What others are going to think? I've got a question for you; how on the earth are you going to know the answer without trying? The only thing you should get out of this; you spend too much energy about your goal rather than the goal itself. 

Procrastination, I had this problem in the past, I feel you. I generally put off working on my goals; I'll start working on it after watching this episode. Alright, I'll just listen to one more music and get started. Guess what happened? Nothing, I killed my valuable time. And I've had enough of it, you've had enough of it too. Here's how to take action right now: 

First, understand your fears. Yes, fears and yes, the ones that you deny. If you wish you can write them down on a piece of paper. But generally, we're scared of these: failure and what others will think about what we do. The bad news, you're going to fail, I know from myself, I did it whole lots of times. The worse, it will hurt, yet I've got good news as well. Every time you fail, you learn how to get back up. Certainly one reason that you're afraid of failure is because you don't want other people to see it, that's why you don't want to fail. 

It's funny, because you're not their priority, so they don't think about you as much as you think they think about you. Suppose that one your friends started training martial arts. He got serious about in his new hobby and after training a couple of months participated a tournament. Let's say, he got destroyed in his first match. How much would you care? Are you going to make fun of him or if yes, for how long? As you can see, there's no need of fear of failure that comes from worrying about others' reactions. 

Second, you should accept failure. There are many ways to embrace failure, in my opinion, changing the definition of failure is the easiest one. How? Instead of 'failure' you can say 'stepping stone', 'lesson', or 'opportunity for growth'. The more you fail, the more 'opportunities for growth' you will have. Trust me, one of those opportunities will work for you, afterwards, you'll rise like a star. You don't fail because you take action, you fail because you don't take action. 

Third, you learn on the way. Your worst is your first, remember that. Do a favor to yourself, have low expectations in your first try. No one was born as professional athletes, wonderful writers, or singers. All of the successful people put tremendous amount of effort on their work. There's no secret, you have to do the same if you want to achieve your goal. It's perfectly okay to think, read, listen and gather information about what you want to do, however, make sure you'll have enough energy to put necessary efforts into your goal. Otherwise you'll not be going forward.

Fourth, run away from temporary desires as your life depends on it. Temporary desires ruin your life. While you think of one more episode, one more music or one more night out, the other person out there working is winning. If something that you do doesn't help you, then don't do it. For instance, I love listening to music, therefore, I listen to music before I work. It starts with that sentence 'just one more' or 'alright, this is the last one', trust me it is more than one more or last one. When I started to write instead of listening to music, I found myself writing till 2 a.m. So, just get started! 

The last one, take your time. It is good to visualize your success and it does motivate you, however, you should take only one step at a time. When it comes to achieving something, you cannot start on the top. Don't try to be on the top in the beginning of the journey, as I've said before, have low expectations in the beginning. 

If you keep thinking about what you want to do, you'll hesitate, fear and put off more. Which will not bring any positive results. On the other hand, if you start doing what you want to do right now, eventually, you'll have some results (good or bad). More than that, if you keep trying, eventually, you will get your desired outcome.

What are you waiting for? Go for it! 

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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Lost In Transition - How To Cope With Hard Times

Lost In Transition - A Story From Morocco 

It was late one warm summer's evening in Marrakesh. We had wandered around the souks and then enjoyed a pleasant dinner in a restaurant just off the main market square in the Medina and it was time to head back to the Riad where we were staying.

The Medina was built around 1122 and is the old town in Marrakesh. It is a twisting labyrinth comprising 19-kilometers of tiny streets with pink walls, and poor lighting and it can feel like a scary place to walk through at night, especially if you don't know where you are going!

The walk into the centre undertaken in daylight had been quite pleasant, but walking back in the dark wasn't an option so we took a taxi.

The heart of darkness 

Unfortunately the taxi driver misunderstood the rather obscure address of our Riad and assumed wrongly that we wanted to go some late night venue on the other side of the Medina! Language difficulties made it impossible to rectify so we set off on foot.

We asked a succession of strangers for directions and yet we seemed to be going deeper into what was rapidly beginning to feel like Conrad's "Heart Of Darkness". With hindsight I am sure the locals who tried to help us were genuine and had good intentions, but after about an hour or two of this we were totally disoriented and frankly scared. 

Lost in transition

To be in an alien North African city, late in the evening, in the dark, completely lost in transition from the main market square back to the obscure location of our Riad, with no tools for navigation, and finding it impossible to communicate with the locals, was frightening.

To cut a long story short we eventually found someone who seemed to understand where we were trying to get to and it was with enormous relief when we recognised the alley (I wouldn't dignify it by calling it a street) where our Riad was located. Needless to say, the following day we moved to another Riad in the centre adjacent to the main market square. 

The Difference Between Change and Transition 

That experience of being lost in transition in the Medina illustrates the locational disorientation we can experience when we experience an unexpected change in circumstances, and especially a change that is imposed upon and that leads to hard times. 

At the time of writing, with the world slowly emerging from Covid-19 lockdown, with our economies strangled, business failures and unemployment rising and our national governments flailing around like drowning men clutching at straws I think it is fair to say that many of us are currently experiencing hard times as a direct result of imposed change! 

The purpose of this article is to set out a framework for understanding what is happening to you and to go beyond the circumstantial changes and to address the inner psychological and emotional impacts and how you can deal with those as well. 

The first and key point to make is that there is a distinction between the events, situations and circumstances that are imposed on you and your inner response to these things. 

In the world of change management this is known as "transition". 

William Bridges was one of the first thought leader's in the field of organisational transformation and change management to recognise the fundamental difference between change and transition, namely: 

  • Change is an external event or situation that happens to you, and often that is imposed upon you. 
  • Transition is the internal process that you have to go through as you make your readjustment and realignment to the new realities. 
The Psychological and Emotional Transition Is A Three Stage Process 

Without an effective transition, a change is just a rearrangement of circumstances and you will not effectively make the transition but will become stuck or lost in transition. 

Bridges Transition Model involves a three-phase process: 

1. Ending, Losing, Letting Go - Every transition begins with an ending. We have to let go of the old thing before we can pick up with the new one - not just outwardly, but inwardly, where we keep our connections to people and places that act as definitions of who we are. 

2. The Neutral Zone - This is a fallow time. One of the difficulties of being in transition in the modern world is that we have lost our appreciation for this gap between the ending and letting go and the new beginning, we find it unsettling. But as in nature the fallow time is a necessary part of the process. It is a time of death and rebirth. 

3. The New Beginning - This is where we develop a new identity, experience a new energy, and discover a new sense of purpose that enables us to make the change begin to work. 

Transition is a psychological process of inner reorientation and self-redefinition that you have to go through in order to incorporate the effect of external changes into your life. 

One of the major causes of the difficulty that you will experience with transition is that it necessarily involves letting go of something. 

The process of letting go is often unsettling and unnerving. 

Therefore a fundamental element of the transition is acceptance of that letting go. Without that acceptance, you will become stuck in denial, anger or resistance. 

I leave you with 2 empowering thoughts: 

# "This too will pass" 

# "When You can't control what's happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what's happening. That's where your power lies. "

Read More: Lost In Transition

Stephen Warrilow, runs an informational site Zen Tools for tough times. The purpose of this site is to show you how to cope in tough times, and to provide you with the tools to do this successfully.

The outcomes that you experience in life are determined by your responses to the events in your life. The stronger your response - the better the outcome. The strength and quality of your response is determined by the skills and the experience you bring to it.

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VIDEO - Achieve Self Improvement & Personal Growth


If you could improve anything about yourself — right now — what would it be? For more information about Tony Robbins' Unleash The Power Within event, visit:

Friday, January 22, 2021

Will You Do Your Personal Best?

 After, over four decades, of involvement, in enhancing the personal development, of others, to providing a variety of size, and purposes, in terms of programing/ presentation, etc, and consulting, I have come to realize, while, many, state they want to be their personal BEST, few seem to proceed, with a well - considered, plan, to achieve this objective. The reality is, it doesn't just - happen, but, takes considerable effort, discipline, focus, commitment, and planning! 

With that in mind, and because, of how essential, striving to be so, is, to our overall health, well - being, and personal success (whatever that means to you, personally), this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss the idea/ concept, using the mnemonic approach, and why it matters. 

1. Benefits; beliefs; better (each day); bring it: When we do, all we can, to become, the best, possible, the potential benefits, in terms of the implications for our overall health, and well - being, are enormous! Only, when we give ourself a thorough, check - up, from the neck - up, do we understand our priorities, goals, perspectives, strengths, weaknesses, and beliefs! To do so, the process should be, step - by - step, with the objective of becoming better, each, and every day! Don't do so, haphazardly, but, rather, bring your finest efforts, and greatest degree of personal excellence, consistently, and thoroughly! 

2. Emphasis; energy/ energize; efforts; excellence; endurance: How should you consider, and determine, your personal emphasis? Wouldn't it make sense, to put forth, our greatest energy, to thorough, energize us, in a productive way? When, we realize, which efforts, will held us approach, the highest degree of personal excellence, and we begin, to demand this, of ourself, and, align this, with, proceeding with meaningful, endurance, consistently, the potential to become better, is enhanced, etc! 

3. Solve/ solutions; serve; strengths/ stronger; selections: Our personal selections, generally, are a major influence, on our overall performance, etc! It's important to strive to solve, whatever, concerns is, and proceed, with well - considered, viable, strategies, actions, and solutions! It only serves our best interests, when we understand, both our strengths, and weaknesses, and use areas of strength, effectively, while addressing concerning areas of weakness! The goal must be to make ourselves stronger, and better! 

4. Timely; time - tested; tell truth; trends: Never procrastinate, because, delay, rarely improves the challenges! Rather, proceed, in a well - considered, timely manner, while taking advantage of time - tested plans, advantages, etc. When this is aligned, with paying keen attention to current trends, and identifying, those, which might benefit us, and telling ourself, the truth, we benefit, and proceed, towards, our personal best! 

Will you demand, and do, your personal BEST? What might you do, to ensure, the greatest benefits, etc?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for self - help: 

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Where do you want to be in the future?

Although, many state, they wish, to become the best, they can possibly, be, few proceed, in a well - organized, committed way, to maximize their opportunities, into the future! One of the keys, is, giving yourself, a check - up, from the neck - up, and having a better idea, in your own - mind, to clarify, and be certain, WHERE you want to be, sometime, down - the - line! 

After, over four decades, of involvement, producing, directing, conducting, and delivering, in - depth, personal development seminars/ programs, I have often, pondered, and considered, why this matters, and how. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and why it makes a difference, for you. 

1. When; what; why; who: When one acts, and whether, it is acting, or, reacting, often, differentiates, between, personal achievement, and self - satisfaction, and, far - less! When you are objectively, introspective, one of the first - steps, should be, perceiving and conceiving of, creating, and implementing, a well - considered, timeline! What you tell, yourself, and why, it matters, to you, personally, will indicate, a lot, about, who you are, and may, become! 

2. Health; healing; head/ heart: The bigger - picture, is, generally, brighter, when/ if, you do, all you can, to enhance, your overall, health, and well - being (both, physical and mental/ emotional/ stress - related)! When you make your life's process, a healing - one, and consider, both your logical and emotional components, using a head/ heart balance, your future opportunities, are usually, enhanced! 

3. Efforts; enrich; employment: Do you consider, your best, employment opportunities, based on, what you, really, want to do, or, merely on immediate availabilities, etc? Use your personal efforts, to enrich, your overall possibilities, etc! 

4. Realistic; responsive; relevant; right: Too many people, lie, to themselves, either, purposely (to avoid making a decision, or taking an action, etc), or, because, they, either, aren't ready, willing, and/ or, able, to proceed, forward, in a well - considered, thorough manner! Is your behavior, responsive to your true needs, in a relevant, sustainable way? Will you emphasize, the right course, for you?

5. Excellence; endurance: Don't take the path, of lesser resistance, and settle for, good - enough, when you should demand your utmost degree of genuine, personal excellence? Realize, this requires, the endurance, to continue, along the best course, rather than an expedient one, and always, keep - an - eye, on your future, etc! 

It's wise, to take the time, and make the effort, to consider, thoroughly, WHERE you want and hope to be, and the type of person, you might become, from the onset! Proceed, in a step - by - step, way, for the best, personal results! 

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook 

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Make Peace With Your Dream

Often, when we are told to "make peace with" something, it's in a challenging context, as in "make peace with" your ...