
Friday, January 22, 2021

Will You Do Your Personal Best?

 After, over four decades, of involvement, in enhancing the personal development, of others, to providing a variety of size, and purposes, in terms of programing/ presentation, etc, and consulting, I have come to realize, while, many, state they want to be their personal BEST, few seem to proceed, with a well - considered, plan, to achieve this objective. The reality is, it doesn't just - happen, but, takes considerable effort, discipline, focus, commitment, and planning! 

With that in mind, and because, of how essential, striving to be so, is, to our overall health, well - being, and personal success (whatever that means to you, personally), this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss the idea/ concept, using the mnemonic approach, and why it matters. 

1. Benefits; beliefs; better (each day); bring it: When we do, all we can, to become, the best, possible, the potential benefits, in terms of the implications for our overall health, and well - being, are enormous! Only, when we give ourself a thorough, check - up, from the neck - up, do we understand our priorities, goals, perspectives, strengths, weaknesses, and beliefs! To do so, the process should be, step - by - step, with the objective of becoming better, each, and every day! Don't do so, haphazardly, but, rather, bring your finest efforts, and greatest degree of personal excellence, consistently, and thoroughly! 

2. Emphasis; energy/ energize; efforts; excellence; endurance: How should you consider, and determine, your personal emphasis? Wouldn't it make sense, to put forth, our greatest energy, to thorough, energize us, in a productive way? When, we realize, which efforts, will held us approach, the highest degree of personal excellence, and we begin, to demand this, of ourself, and, align this, with, proceeding with meaningful, endurance, consistently, the potential to become better, is enhanced, etc! 

3. Solve/ solutions; serve; strengths/ stronger; selections: Our personal selections, generally, are a major influence, on our overall performance, etc! It's important to strive to solve, whatever, concerns is, and proceed, with well - considered, viable, strategies, actions, and solutions! It only serves our best interests, when we understand, both our strengths, and weaknesses, and use areas of strength, effectively, while addressing concerning areas of weakness! The goal must be to make ourselves stronger, and better! 

4. Timely; time - tested; tell truth; trends: Never procrastinate, because, delay, rarely improves the challenges! Rather, proceed, in a well - considered, timely manner, while taking advantage of time - tested plans, advantages, etc. When this is aligned, with paying keen attention to current trends, and identifying, those, which might benefit us, and telling ourself, the truth, we benefit, and proceed, towards, our personal best! 

Will you demand, and do, your personal BEST? What might you do, to ensure, the greatest benefits, etc?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for self - help: 

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