
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Why Procrastination Must Be Addressed Proactively?

Although, most people define procrastination, as, putting - off, until tomorrow, things, we should have done, today, for many, of us, these actions, would have made, far more sense, to do, yesterday! Far, too often, we delay, taking certain, sensible steps, either, due to fears, lack of personal courage, an ill - perceived, notion, things will go - away, on their own, etc, but, the reality, generally, is, only, by facing the facts, and proactively, moving forward, will we have any chance, of making things better, etc! With that, in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 specific reasons, it is essential, to proceed, with an open - mind, and proceed, proactively, etc.

1. Won't go away, on its own: You can't run - away, from challenges, nor let your personal fears, etc, control, your behavior, etc! The reality is, it is, almost always, easier, to address, challenges, obstacles, etc, sooner, rather than later! It's up, to you, whether you will control your destiny, proactively, and in your best - interests, or let obstacles, restrict, your ability, to become, the best, you can be! Remember, obstacles, don't usually, go away, on their own!

2. Gets worse, if not addressed: No matter, how scared/ frightened, you are, about something, in, nearly, all case, things get worse, when they are not addressed, in a well - considered, strategic, timely manner! This doesn't mean, doing so, is easy, but, if/ when, you delay/ procrastinate, things, generally, get worse, and more difficult to overcome!

3. Need for strategic planning: When, was the last time, you took the time, and made the effort, to give yourself, a check - up, from the neck - up? Just, as great leaders, must proceed, using, strategic planning, so should you, personally! Doing so, helps you, identify, what your personal strengths, and weaknesses, are, what you perceive and prioritize, and all related aspects, to moving forward, in the best, possible way!

4. Well - considered, action plan: Addressing things, effectively, requires proceeding, with a well - considered, action plan, and sticking, to - it! Will you escape the self - imposed, restrictions, of your comfort zone, and do, what's needed, and necessary, to make yourself, better, happier, and more contented, etc?

5. Proceed forward: Often, individuals are willing to be introspective, consider options, and alternatives, plan, strategically, and from an action - oriented, standpoint, but, end up, procrastinating, when we should, proceed forward.

Will you take the actions, and steps, which might make you, proceed, smarter, and happier, etc, or, resort to procrastination, letting your fears, control you? It's up to you!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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