
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Overcoming 2020... 3 Learnings to Set Yourself Up for 2021

January 1, 2020... this was the day, I am sure, that you had pegged as the beginning of a phenomenal new chapter in your life. 2020 was going to be THE YEAR!

The year you get it together and smashed your goals begin living the life of your dreams and propel yourself into abundance!

I am convinced that's what you had planned... then 2020 happened!

It has been a year of massive frustration and uncertainty where many people have not felt in control and have been exposed to a myriad of influences... predominantly mental and emotional, which has left many feeling hopeless and overwhelmed.

It is a bit of a dark and blunt assessment, but this has been the reality for many, and has been added onto by the restriction of liberty's and an individual ability to exercise freedoms too often taken for granted!

Reflecting back at how 2020 has manifested we fall into the trap of thinking "I hope that never happens again... " but where we have a massive benefit to take away from all that transpired is that we were, collectively, forced out of our comfort zones and the safety that our routines kept us in!

Now I know that many on the extremities did not fair well; redundancy, insolvency, grief, separation and even death were all afflictions experienced by many.

However, for you and I, we were able to confront the challenges imposed on us and treat 2020 as a year of change and of growth where we had to innovate, establish new or better routines and habits.

We also had to assess what we allowed ourselves to be entertained or inspired by...
Effectively the circumstances in 2020 helped strip back all non-essential 'fillers' in our lives and we got to a point of a blank canvas.

This then gave us an opportunity to design and decorate our lives accordingly!

As in all circumstances, its not what happens to us that matters but it is how we respond that will either grow us or regress us.

So, 2020 may have been mediocre, it may have been disastrous, or it may have been phenomenal... the choice is yours to make!

Now I urge you to not let 2020 drift away as you move towards 2021 with a lukewarm mindset and enthusiasm.

You have a brilliant opportunity to set yourself up early for MASSIVE SUCCESS, way ahead of the masses who will only begin to start 'wishing' for some form of luck or prosperity on the 1 January 2021.

Take the time you have, between now and December 31, 2020 to make the changes you know you need to make.

Develop and detail out your goals, your desires and the new life of abundance that you are going to grow into!

Become the person, now, who your future self will be proud of.

The question is how?

Many people will get stuck at this question and not be able to move on from this. However, as a growth minded individual who has a deeper mindfulness about success, you recognise that better questions lead to better results.

With a better series of questions, you will experience a better analysis and assessment of yourself!

3 Learnings

  1. Take control: one thing that has become apparent is that people have given away control... in particular, control of their mindset and what they allow to affect them. Your perceptions, ideas and ability to think are great gifts that you need to take care of and actively engage to ensure you don't lose them.
  2. Take action: an idle mind is a dangerous mind. What you need to remember is that nothing stands still... you are either growing or regressing. The benefit of taking continuous action is that you build a momentum that allows you an agility to respond to changes or obstacles. Taking action also develops a resilience which puts you in a great position to be able to bounce back and recover from unknowns and short-term failures. Taking action also inspires the focus needed to ensure that your concentration is on performance, results, success and the specific outcomes that are going to advance you.
  3. Always focus on your ultimate goal: Linked to the benefits of taking action. By always focusing on your ultimate goal you shift your mindset to a vibration of what good can happen as well as the benefits of potential success. The focus and concentration you expend on your ultimate goal also puts your energy in harmony with the results you desire.
It is essential that the way you finish 2020 is how you start 2021... get ahead of the pack and receive your abundance!

Welcome to invinciblemind!

We believe in your ability to become phenomenal and that you will have a brilliant, uplifting effect on all those around you when you Unleash Your Ultimate Potential!

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