
Monday, February 15, 2021

What Makes A Difference?

When you implant change into your subconscious mind fully, that is the only time a difference really happens. Without the reality in that sentence combined with discipline, you really are shooting in the dark. Without using and understanding that phrase sincerely, you are praying in vain. All good answers come from proper application anyway. All bad problems come from improper use of solutions anyway. That is the key to the phrase "solutions only come when we really want them."

Indeed, humanity is teleological or goal oriented in reality. That is the side-effect and ultimate benefit of consciousness, and the more conscious one is, the more that side effect and benefit of reality exists.

Without those goals, differences never, ever happen. In fact I can say and mean that the ultimate reality is a God-level reality and consciousness grown toward from the bottom, up. Without goals though, or a purpose, amoeba level will not even be grown past, and nothing happens. As some say, "when genuine limitations are found, growth is finished." I can say and mean this though: As long as there is eternal existence and energies around, there are no limitations to existence or consciousness except those we acknowledge. Indeed, there are not any genuine limitations except for changing, growing energies. That is it.

So, when it is time for change: Flow with it, set course or goal and go there if it is a beneficial or good place. There is not any point to anything else that does not benefit anyway. Even the work of Dr. Mihaly Csikzenmihalyi shows this reality. So, think about the nature of consciousness, benefitting yourself in the right ways that flows like a river or fountain is the right side of things. Initiatory lying and destruction is the wrong side of things. Sure, it is all life and existence, but anyone rational wants to be on the winning instead of the losing end of it all. 

Face it, genuinely winning makes a difference, a great difference. The only loss is the dark place of genuinely lying starting with ourselves and projecting out to others and genuinely knowing that we are lying at all levels including the levels within us. This is where "fake it until you make it" does not work. Sure it is one thing to be genuinely creative and make something from nothing, but, this creativity must be anchored in honesty and fact from the start or it is nothing.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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