
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Be Grateful And Count Your Blessings


We live in a world governed by the haves and have-nots. Where it is easy to want things
that we don’t have. Where everywhere we turn we are reminded of how little we have
rather than how much we do have. Where it is easy to take for granted everything that is
right in our lives and dwell on what is wrong. Where we forget to be thankful, appreciative,
and most importantly grateful.

For being grateful shifts your lens from what is lacking into enough. It allows you to look at
things differently. To see what is already present and good. It promotes optimism, develops mental strength, makes your feel more positive, and gives you greater happiness.

So make time each day to reflect on something you have in your life right now
that you are grateful for. Remember that when life gives you 1000 reasons to cry
show life you have 1000 reasons to smile. Count your blessings, say thank you,
be appreciative and practice gratitude daily.

Reference: (53) Be Grateful and Count your Blessings | Best Motivational Video - YouTube

Monday, February 22, 2021

Turn Your Curse Into A Blessing

We all suffer a "chronic" struggle in our life: deep fear or anxiety, constant anger, procrastination, envy, depression, scarcity reality, greed, bad timing, missed opportunities, rejection issues, feeling unlucky in love, power struggles, intrapersonal co-dependencies, alcoholism, workaholism... 

These (and many more) are all related to a deep perception of some sort of insufficiency or lack: lack of love, lack of appreciation, lack of happiness, lack of understanding, lack of connection, lack of recognition, lack of attention, lack of wealth, lack of health, lack of food, lack of knowledge, lack of security, lack of justice, etc. And that deep (and, most importantly, deeply distorted) perception of insufficiency drives us into situations where we feel almost cursed: we can never find someone to connect with deeply, we can never have enough money, we are frequently depressed, we always struggle with our boss at work, we can't control our anger... (Feel free to fill in the dots with "the story of your life", i.e. your "favourite" recurring struggle from the past 10-20 years of life experience.)

Now, were we born that way? Yes and no. Are we doomed to continue that way? Again - yes and no. You know that there are always two sides to the medal, right? And that the two sides are the exact opposites. In other words, if you are looking at Anger on one side of the medal, Serenity is on the other; if you are looking at Alcoholism on one of the sides, Sobriety is on the other; and if you are facing Procrastination on one side, you will invariably meet Decisive Action on the other side.

Importantly, we all carry at least one such medal in us, where the dualistic split of reality is taken to an extreme. Even more importantly, both sides of the medal are present in us simultaneously. In other words, the curse and the blessing are both there, at all times. As babies we normally connect to the "positive" side of the medal and we tend to spend more time feeling blessed. Then something goes wrong (i.e. life happens), and we turn to face the other side of the medal while starting to feel "cursed". Most important of all, your "curse" is actually a clue as to what innate talent and what innate strength you were born with.

Thus, fearful people have the greatest capacity for courage because fear and courage are on the two sides of the medal. Similarly, angry people have the greatest capacity for serenity, while vain people as well as pathological liars have the greatest capacity for authenticity; and alcoholics, of course, have the greatest capacity for sobriety.

Indeed, our blessing is our curse, but our curse is also our blessing. In other words, the curse and the blessing exist simultaneously and are two different ways of looking at the same thing. Importantly, there is a third force that needs to come into play here, if we are to tap into our innate potential for transformation and to connect with our internal capacity for greatness and happiness. 

This third force is frequently referred to as the Higher Self, or the Observer (some call it God), and embodies our ability to neutralize opposites by integrating them into one whole. So think of your angry self as a small self, and think of your serene self as another small self of yours. 

Now invoke your higher self and start to observe both of your small selves in a neutral, detached, non-judgmental way. In that moment, as you acknowledge and allow for the conflicting opposites to co-exist and gradually merge, you are collapsing a dualistic split into one whole, and right there you have access to options, possibilities and choice as to who you want to be and how you would like to respond to life situations.

Now, how do you invoke your higher self in practical terms? First, get some help through therapy (this may be optional for some). Next, go home and help yourself through meditation, contemplation and introspection practices (that's a must for all of us). Third, don't expect results overnight, and don't think that if you got it today, you have it for life. It's a process. Your smaller selves want it now, and want it all. But your higher self already has it all. So when you get worked up and impatient, go back to meditation, contemplation and introspection, i.e. connect with the higher self which already knows that you have everything in you to overcome the very thing that stops you from being all that you can be. Indeed, God doesn't give you a challenge that you can't deal with using your own internal resources only. So simply look deep inside of yourself for happiness does come from within.

Vyara Bridgeman is an Advanced Certified BodyTalk practitioner who works with patients from all over the world suffering a variety of physical, mental and emotional conditions. To find out more about Vyara's BodyTalk practice, what her clients say about her, and how she can help you achieve a balanced body-mind, visit:

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Monday, February 15, 2021

What Makes A Difference?

When you implant change into your subconscious mind fully, that is the only time a difference really happens. Without the reality in that sentence combined with discipline, you really are shooting in the dark. Without using and understanding that phrase sincerely, you are praying in vain. All good answers come from proper application anyway. All bad problems come from improper use of solutions anyway. That is the key to the phrase "solutions only come when we really want them."

Indeed, humanity is teleological or goal oriented in reality. That is the side-effect and ultimate benefit of consciousness, and the more conscious one is, the more that side effect and benefit of reality exists.

Without those goals, differences never, ever happen. In fact I can say and mean that the ultimate reality is a God-level reality and consciousness grown toward from the bottom, up. Without goals though, or a purpose, amoeba level will not even be grown past, and nothing happens. As some say, "when genuine limitations are found, growth is finished." I can say and mean this though: As long as there is eternal existence and energies around, there are no limitations to existence or consciousness except those we acknowledge. Indeed, there are not any genuine limitations except for changing, growing energies. That is it.

So, when it is time for change: Flow with it, set course or goal and go there if it is a beneficial or good place. There is not any point to anything else that does not benefit anyway. Even the work of Dr. Mihaly Csikzenmihalyi shows this reality. So, think about the nature of consciousness, benefitting yourself in the right ways that flows like a river or fountain is the right side of things. Initiatory lying and destruction is the wrong side of things. Sure, it is all life and existence, but anyone rational wants to be on the winning instead of the losing end of it all. 

Face it, genuinely winning makes a difference, a great difference. The only loss is the dark place of genuinely lying starting with ourselves and projecting out to others and genuinely knowing that we are lying at all levels including the levels within us. This is where "fake it until you make it" does not work. Sure it is one thing to be genuinely creative and make something from nothing, but, this creativity must be anchored in honesty and fact from the start or it is nothing.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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Thursday, February 11, 2021

VIDEO - 3 Things Successful People Do Differently


A video created by the fantastic Brian Tracy! Such a fantastic human being. His content is so helpful and his insights are truly life changing if you choose to follow it!


Monday, February 8, 2021

Nine Life Lessons

This one is a bit of a departure from my typical article topics.

Recently I wrote a book about what I call "good-enough contentment." It's an allegory about a forty-something man who is unhappy with his life. After a magical train ride, he learns to define what contentment means in nine areas of his life: career, family, health, friendships, finances, leisure, spirituality, giving, and legacy. Writing the story caused me to look back at my own life--the things I did well and the many mistakes I made. It inspired me to write about nine nuggets that I wish I could go back in time to tell my younger self. Some I would have done the same all over again, others radically different. All, however, are worth putting down in writing to spur your thinking about things you need to start, stop, or continue.

Here they are:

Career: Your career can't take the place of family, health, leisure, and friendships - In the movie The Family Man, Nicholas Cage's character is a hard-charging investment banker who gets to see what his life would have been like as a middle-class husband and father. He comes to realize that there's much more to life than business. By all means, continue to vigorously pursue your career aspirations, but not at the expense of other important areas of your life.

Family: Don't squander memories - My father worked very hard as a baker; so much so that he missed out on many family events. In his last years he told me how he regretted missing so many events and milestones with my five siblings and me. Don't look back on your life regretting not being there for the memory makers.

Health: If you don't decide to take care of yourself, the decision will be made for you - I had an emotional breakdown at age 30 due to running myself ragged both mentally and physically. I thought I could just keep pushing and tough things out. Wrong. I had no choice but to stop and make some changes to get myself healthy again. If you don't focus on taking care of your health, something out of your control will happen to force you into action.

Friendships: Have a couple of friends who would help you out at 2 am, no questions asked - Recently I was on vacation when a tenant in our rental property called and said the washing machine wasn't working. I was 3,000 miles away and couldn't get there, so I called a dear friend who was at the rental in 30 minutes and addressed the problem. Having a couple of close friends you can rely on to help you out of a jam is worth gold. Being someone your friend can rely on is just as important.

Finances: No one cares about your finances more than you
 - When I graduated from college, I bought three books on investing. Those books formed the foundation for my investing discipline. At times, though, I let others who didn't have my best interests at heart manage investments on my behalf. Now I manage every dollar myself and keep current on investment strategies. Putting your money in the hands of a paid advisor will ensure bread is put on his or her table along with your money. Do as much of this on your own as you can.

Leisure: Work/life balance means slowing down, not speeding up - I've known way too many people who worked 60+ hours during the week only to cram "life" activities in the weekend. They had work/life balance, but it was achieved by running 100 miles per hour. Leisure time should include time to relax and recharge, so use at least some of it to rest, and be careful about trying to fit too many things into your life.

Spirituality: Walk the talk on your beliefs - Whatever your spiritual beliefs (mine are Christian), don't be a Jekyll and Hyde in what you say and what you do. Cursing up a storm in meetings during the work week then heading into church on Sunday just doesn't square. It's not about judging your belief system; it's more about ensuring your actions align to your beliefs.

Giving: Give out of love, not out of convenience or obligation - My son loves to cook. He regularly volunteers to cook and deliver meals to families in need. He loves to give of his time and money to help families who need a hot meal enjoy his cooking. The quantity and type of giving is up to you, just do it out of love and enjoy the gratification you get in return.

Legacy: Live to your eulogy - A number of years ago I created a personal purpose statement. After a lot of soul searching, I came up with: I will work to help others to help themselves and not simply enable them. When I die, I want people to say three words at my funeral: He helped me. If you have a personal purpose or mission statement, live it.

My hope is that you, my readers, might be able to glean something from my nine life lessons. If I help you do or think differently about some aspect of your life, then mission accomplished. Thank you for helping me live out my purpose statement. 

Lonnie Pacelli is an accomplished author and autism advocate with over 30 years experience in leadership and project management at Accenture, Microsoft, and Consetta Group. See books, articles, keynotes, and self-study seminars at

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Friday, February 5, 2021

Greed is Good - Why We Never Have Enough!

There are many plants which will grow and take over the area of other species of plants. Would you call them greedy? Would you call them evil? Or would you simply say they are the stronger and more dominant species and therefore nature requires they continue to grow and eventually take over everything until a stronger species gets in their way.

If we are that offshoot of an ever-expanding energy, which is by its very nature is as 'greedy' as a weed, then in fact, being greedy is in our basic nature.

When our greed makes us do things that harm others or ourselves, then it is a bad thing, and most of the time, this is the way it is expressed. However, as I said near the end of the previously mentioned article, "... You can use your energy to bring people down, or make them smile... "

Greed is a negatively perceived word for the natural desire to grow, progress, evolve. You can say that I was very greedy because I was not satisfied with owning one company, and that by the age of 25 I owned eight companies because I wanted to make more money.

Or, you could say that I was ambitious and wanted to make enough money to retire before the age of 30 so I could devote my life to the pursuit of understanding the human condition so I could help as many people as I could have a better life.

What we call greed is actually a motivational force. It is always a negative statement to say someone has no motivation or, it is sad that someone has lost their motivation.

We live in a world in which the loss of motivation is a virtual plague. Perhaps the attitude that greed is bad makes people stop themselves from wanting more, and settle for mediocrity, which eventually kills their motivation.

Imagine how it will make you feel to consider yourself evil and a terrible person because you are greedy, and yet you cannot help yourself from wanting more out of life, or to expand your business, or have a better home or car, or to see the world?

I have been to 90 countries. Isn't that something everyone admires? But if you said I was greedy when I was younger, and I listened to you, and I stifled my so called greed, then I would have never made enough money to leave my home country.

My point is; Greed Is Good because greed is a natural expression of the desire to grow and evolve, which is our reason for being, the purpose of our creation, and if you are religious, Greed is not a deadly sin, but a service to God.

The line is simple, do not hurt anyone, at least as best as you can, in your pursuit of the infinite, but never feel guilty about wanting more out of life.

David Samuel is The Entrepreneur Monk, applying his understanding of the mind and emotions in business, relationships and personal growth. Your mind makes you a success or failure, business skill is only a small part.
David resolved the riddle of why we do what is bad for us yet do not do what we know is beneficial and teaches that very effectively.

Read more about David
Have No Regrets, Look Forward

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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Importance of the Subconscious Mind

Did you know that you have at least two minds? Some experts believe that humans have three minds but we will keep it simple in this article. You have your conscious mind which is active when you are. It fills your head with chatter all of the time.

Then there is your subconscious mind which never sleeps. It remembers everything and will hold all of your values and beliefs. It shapes who you are and whether you will be successful or not. Fortunately you can change what is stored in your subconscious mind.

Your Subconscious doesn't care about Good and Bad

Perhaps "doesn't care" is not the right term - unable to distinguish between good and bad is probably more appropriate. Your subconscious mind will accept any information that you feed into it. The more that you think and act on that information the stronger it becomes.

Here is an example. If you had a bad experience in your life then this can become an irrational fear in your subconscious mind. Let's say that you were forced to speak in public and it didn't go well. You were extremely embarrassed by this event and you do not want to experience this again.

So you create a belief in your subconscious that you cannot do public speaking. You avoid every possible opportunity to speak in public and this strengthens the belief in your subconscious. This is a bad thing for you but your subconscious doesn't care. All it wants to do is protect you.

If you have negative thoughts about a specific thing or event then this will form a limiting belief in your subconscious mind. So if you have a goal to find a higher paying job then one of the skills that you will need is likely to be the ability to speak in public.

Your Conscious Mind is the Gatekeeper

Everything that is in your subconscious mind has been allowed to end up there via your conscious mind. So if you continually have negative thoughts about public speaking then you are telling your subconscious mind to protect you from it.

The good news here is that you can change your thoughts in your conscious mind to remove or replace limiting beliefs in your subconscious. This is something that you will need to work on and it is not magic. You need to be persistent if you want to make changes to your subconscious.

Neutralize Negative Thoughts

You can neutralize the negative thoughts that you experience with positive ones. So if you have a thought that says "I can never speak in public" you can neutralize this with "I can speak in public because I can do anything".

By neutralizing your negative thoughts in this way you will send the right signals to your subconscious mind to pave the way to change any limiting beliefs. The next step in the process is to show your subconscious that you really mean business by taking action.

Tackle your Irrational Fears

Whatever irrational fears you have the best way to tackle them is to just do it anyway. So if you have a fear of public speaking then get out there and do some public speaking! You can start in a small way with a friendly audience. Learn as much as you can about the subject and practice regularly.

Learn How to Create Your Own Future at the author's website JustVisualizeIt.Today. Read More Online with Articles on Visualization, Law of Attraction, Affirmations, Creative Visualization, Manifestation, Vision Boards, free creative visualization resources, plus download free mind movies and try the world's number one visualization tool. visit today Click Here. Leon Edward 's intention is help people awaken their inner potential, subconscious mind power and to make people aware of the unlimited power they were given at birth.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Don't Ruin A New Day By Thinking About Yesterday!

Yesterday is gone. Be glad today. Life is excessively short. It goes so quick, so, try not to let the past be your day by day life. If you realized today would be your last day on earth, what would be the most important things to you? Definitely, not the past, right?

Some people end up pondering something horrible that occurred before and winds up destroying their present. The fact of the matter is that doing such things never assisted anyone helped anybody feel better about anything. You just wind up squandering your valuable new day, when you might have been accomplishing something wonderful and gainful with it. It is much the same as a trap of awful musings that keeps you down and makes you miserable.

When something awful occurs, or when you feel baffled about a circumstance or an individual, consistently recollect that your psyche isn't responding to the circumstance, it is responding to your emotions. The sentiments are yours, and it isn't another person's issue. When you comprehend this totally, you will be prepared to assume liability to transform it.

You can't handle the past. But you can manage your present. You have the choice to make it incredible. You can decide to have a wonderful day today. You can pick those musings, those examples, every one of those various things because you have that choice. You have that decision to relinquish yesterday, to relinquish the past, grasp the present and rock it out.

However, when you feel disappointed or irritated with an individual or a circumstance, recall that you are not responding to the individual or the circumstance, yet to your sentiments about the individual or the circumstance. These are your sentiments, and your emotions are not another person's shortcoming. When you perceive and comprehend this totally, you are prepared to assume liability for how you feel and to transform it. What's more, you can acknowledge things as they seem to be, you are prepared to assume liability for your circumstance and for all the occasions you see as issues.

When somebody harms us we need to understand that we control our own sentiments, not that other individual, and we don't need to change our emotions we just change our contemplation, since musings go before our sentiments. We need to change our mindset to acknowledge that what happened has occurred and afterward we need to focus in our musings on where we need to go from here forward.

We need to decide to forgive and proceed onward. We can't transform any other individual, we can just change ourselves. Also, we have the decision to acknowledge what has occurred and to push ahead with this new day.

We, as a person needs to change the manner in which we think to acknowledge and give up what has occurred previously and center around another day with positive attitudes.

Things might have turned out not quite the same as they are nevertheless they didn't - so you need to manage things as they seem to be. However, regardless of how things of the past damages us, we can embrace the here and now and assume liability for satisfying a brand new day.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Work Less and Achieve More!

Have you ever wanted to have thirty-six hours a day because twenty-four is not enough? The deadlines for given tasks and projects seem too close that you cannot finish on time. The worse, unbalanced lifestyle enhances stress that makes you unhappy and miss the beauty of your life. However, you're not the only person with twenty-four hours a day, the busiest people with the busiest schedules on this planet have same exact amount of time. They're good at time management because they know how good time management makes their life better.

Wouldn't it be nice if you finish your project or task before given time, so you can take a rest or grab a cup of coffee? When you manage your time wisely, you'll have more leisure time for yourself. More than that, you'll not be over stressed again because you know exactly what comes next (for the most of time). The best part is, you'll have better work and life balance which will give enough time for you to spend with your loved ones or practice a hobby.

If I've got you convinced, let's take a look at how to effectively manage our valuable time with these four proven techniques.

The first and the most effective technique is to plan your day in advance. Think about what you're going to do tomorrow from today and write it down. Of course there're several methods that you can plan your day. For example, journaling; many successful people keep a journal, journals are already made for planning purposes, so it's easy to plan your day with a journal. As a matter of fact, after I started to journal, my life has changed a lot. For me, journaling does more than planning the 'tomorrow' because it helps me to track the whole year. That means, journaling will give you the most accurate analysis of the year and you'll be able to see your development, also correct your mistakes for the next year.

Another way to plan your day ahead is to have a to-do list. It's simple, easy and makeable in no time, simply you write what to do for the day. To-do lists can be in your journal as you wish. To effectively make a to-do list, you should put your tasks in time-blocks. Think about any task that you need to do; writing an essay, hitting the gym or preparing for finals. Whatsoever your task is, put specific time periods for specific tasks. For example, study for an hour, by doing this you force yourself to finish your study in an hour, as a result, you avoid distractions.
But wait, how do you guess an estimated time for particular task or activity? If you're unsure about how much time you should set for a task, then you simply test it. Set your stopwatch (you've it in your phone if not on internet) and stop it when you get it done, now you know for how long that specific task lasts. While doing that, you must avoid any distractions like social media or phone calls, remember, you've got limited time to finish your task.

Second, since time management is all about having the best out of your time, prioritizing is the key. "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first", said Mark Twain. Do your most important tasks first, which is generally in the morning. After you're done with it, do less pertinent tasks. By doing this your workflow gets more organized and helps you to be more sufficient.

Third, take your time, take regular breaks. Without enough rest, you cannot be productive. You can arrange your breaks with Pomodoro technique which was developed by Francesco Cirillo. Basically, you work for twenty-five-minute block and have a break of five minutes. However, I modified this technique for myself and you can do the same because this's like a template that you can use.

You can use this amazing template in two ways, here is what I did, first, I changed the time blocks, for me it is forty-five-minute work and five minutes of rest. On the other hand, when I write, I make the outline first, after I'm done with the outline, I take a rest of ten minutes, then I start writing. As you can see, you can change the time blocks or you can adapt it to yourself as task based breaks. Because in particular tasks, for me it's writing, you get really focused and you're in the flow, so you don't want to stop. After completing four cycles like these, take a longer break of twenty minutes. Again, use it as however it suits you.

The last one, have a morning routine and wake up early. How do you start your day? Do you check your smart phone and go through social media or make your bed? If you're on your phone, then you're wasting your time. Here is what happens, I tracked how much time I spend on social media in mornings and it was approximately thirty minutes. Instead of spending thirty minutes on social media, I started to use that time for myself, the improvement was incredible. If you don't believe me try yourself!

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Monday, February 1, 2021

2 Hours in the Morning Will Put You in 2% Club!

Do you set up yourself for failure every morning? If you hit snooze over and over again, yes you do, yet you didn't know till now. Two years ago, I was in your situation. It was my dream to be a successful person, you know, kinds of people who always look motivated and get things done in no time. I always knew waking up early would change my life, but the problem was not waking up early, it was sleeping early.

As you can relate, I thought I didn't have what it takes to have an amazing morning routine that over a couple of years it will transform to a success story. It was just a dream that I wanted, yes it was, not anymore!

Are these statements familiar to you?

• I'll wake up early tomorrow.

• I've slept late, so I should sleep more.

• I don't do anything useful in the mornings anyways, so why should I wake up early?

• I'm just not the right person for growth and success, I lack the discipline.

If you relate to one of these or all and are nodding your head, this guide will definitely save you from the struggle.

I'll not even mention agonizing impacts of wasting your mornings because you're living them. Let's start with the benefits and how those benefits will change your life in better way.

The first and the best one, waking up early will give you mental strength. Probably, you're saying, "I wake up early every day for work/school and there's no mental advantage!". Okay, I've got a few questions for you: what do you do when you wake up? Go through your emails? Or social media? Or in rush to be on time for your work/school? Another question: what do you do for yourself? To have mental strength, you should work on yourself. According to a study contacted by the American Psychological Association having a good routine in the beginning of the day will reduce your depression, anxiety and stress. More than that, it will increase your satisfaction level which will become happiness.

Second, a good beginning routine will provide you physical benefits. For instance, I do a hundred pushups after I wake up (of course it's not the only exercise I do during the whole day), which skyrockets my energy for the day. I'm not suggesting you to do pushups, you can practice yoga or even go for a walk. Another physical benefit of having a good morning routine is consuming less calories. I made an experiment with a group of twenty people, ten of us slept late for the next month, on the other hand, the rest slept early. As a result, late sleepers ended eating more because when you sleep late you get hungry that's why you tend to eat more which over the years become obesity.

Third, a good beginning always provides spiritual rewards. Visualizing your success does give you inner peace. I remember myself visualizing working as a freelancer and making enough money to travel while working. And that gave me enough motivation every day to work towards my ambitions, thus, my relationships with people became better both at home and at work. When you work for what you visualize today, in some time you'll make it reality. Of course, practicing visualization is not the only way to have inner peace. Meditation, journaling or listing what you're grateful for will help as well.

Of course, there're many other benefits of waking up early, but in my opinion, those which are above are dominant to other benefits. What else will you ask for if you're mentally strong, healthy as a model and peaceful with yourself, right?

I hope you're ready to build your own amazing morning routine! No, don't say, "but I'm not a morning person". Everything starts in your mind, so change your mindset and be positive on waking up early. "Beliefs we've that are so deeply embedded that we don't even realize they guide our attitudes and behaviors", said author Ramit Sethi. In simpler words, what you believe is your reality. So, you better start believing the you're an early bird.

Your morning routine doesn't start in the morning; it starts the night before. Here are five things you need to do to develop a habit from 'Habit Starter Checklist' written by Rob Norback. First, always remind yourself the habit that you want to create, in this case it's waking up early. Second, break it down to small pieces to make it easier and doable, make a decision of routine in regards to your new habit. For example, what activities you'll include in your morning routine. Third, know what rewards it will bring to you. How I did this, I wrote how creating and following a morning routine will make my life better on a piece of paper and read it every day. Fourth, visualize your success with your morning routine. Finally, record the progress, it will definitely encourage you to keep going.

If you're having issues with sleeping because of stress, anxiety and uncertainty (worrying about future) of future, like I had in the past. I highly recommend you to write down negative thoughts like these on a piece of paper, then fold it and tear it apart, finally throw it away. By doing this, you kick out your negative thoughts from your head and you physically do something to them which is extremely relieving.

Other helpful activity to relax before sleep; deep breathing, silence your inner voice, so it won't be bothering you; think about good things, read a book, write diary or look forwards to an amazing night sleep. There's no a certain way to get relaxed before sleep, you can find which one works for you by trying them.

It's time to chase your dreams and since day starts in the morning, you need to have a good morning routine. Start off with encouraging yourself, I believe this is the first thing you should do in the morning. 'Today is going to be the most productive day of my life' this is what I say to myself when I wake up. You can find different ones for yourself such as 'I'll be on my best today', you got the idea.

Every time I wake and encourage myself, I get out of the bed and start doing pushups right away, of course, there're plenty of other exercises you can do. For instance, sit ups, walking, jogging, even dancing, do whatever you want to for approximately twenty minutes that fills you with energy.

Cold water is the enemy of sleep if you can take a cold shower then go for it, however, if not, just wash your face with cold water. Feel awake? Now, tell what you're grateful for, you can make a list of it if you wish. Here is what I am grateful for:

• Being able to wake up

• Living the life that I've always dreamt of

• Exercising

• Yummy breakfast

• Friend

• Going to cinema and spending a great time with my partner

• Being able to finish my projects on time

Read them all out loud (of course, yours will be different), by doing this you hack your brain that you're a successful person, therefore, more achievements coming for you today.

Take your time when creating your morning routine, creating my current morning routine took two years for me. At the beginning, I set up my alarm clock to 5 a.m. and I believed that it'll give me more energy and productivity. By contrast, it gave me nothing but sleepiness, when you do something gradually your chances of success are more likely. Let's say you normally wake up at 6 a.m. next day wake up at 5:45. Then, gradually continue to your wake up time goal with setting your alarm clock 15 to 30 minutes earlier. In short, start small, be persistent and you'll achieve your goal wake up time.

As I've said before, take your time, I didn't build my winning morning habit in a day but in two years. Don't put too much to your morning routine when you're at the beginning, I did that mistake. I read books, meditated, exercised, worked; however, it didn't fulfill me with happiness and I thought of giving up many times. Build your perfect morning routine gradually, for example, exercise, after exercising becomes a habit read a book after exercise. You don't get the whole building in a day, you build it and it takes time.

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