
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Make Peace With Your Dream

Often, when we are told to "make peace with" something, it's in a challenging context, as in "make peace with" your current weight, bank account, relationship, etc. And indeed, the only way to move forward toward whatever your desired goal is to first make peace with wherever you're at in that journey. So yes, by all means, do that!

But the one "make peace with" we rarely think about is to "make peace with your dreams." Too often, we dismiss our dreams and desires as too far-fetched, impossible, unreachable, and we stop before we start. Or we start, and then halfway there we figure, "Oh, this is ridiculous; I'll never make it" so we give up on our dreams.

Don't do that to yourself! Did you know that what makes for success--at anything and everything--is the dynamite combination of passion and perseverance? It's what researcher Angela Duckworth PhD calls "grit," sometimes thought of as "great results in time." No one exemplifies passion plus perseverance better than Jahkee Johnson. Jahkee was born with shortened legs and deformities in his knees and ankles, which caused both legs to be amputated when he was just an infant. But Jahkee had a passion; he wanted to play in his high school's marching band, and he wanted to play--of all things--the tuba.

Now, most would say "impossible"! A tuba is a big heavy instrument, and how is a boy going to march without legs, much less play the tuba and march at the same time? But Jahkee made peace with his dream. He knew what he wanted, and he was sure he was going to make it happen. Period. With that kind of determination, you can guess the rest of the story. At 15, Jahkee began marching in his high school's band with the help of padded shoes so he can walk right along with his bandmates, first with a tuba and now a trombone. Sure, it took a few weeks for him to get the hang of the shoes and the marching, but what the heck?! That's the nature of perseverance.

What's the dream you've given up on? I'm not talking about a whim, or an idle fantasy, as in "I want to be a millionaire"--who doesn't? A passion would be "I want to be a millionaire. I have ideas worth the time and effort and creativity it takes to succeed at my dream." So what's the dream you have, with passion behind it, that you need to make peace with in order to succeed?

Because once you do that, once you make peace with your dream, you can draw on the energy of the Universe to persist until you make that dream come true. Here's to your success!

More on Jahkee:

Noelle C. Nelson, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, consultant, popular speaker in the U.S. and abroad, and author of over a dozen best-selling books. Dr. Nelson focuses on how we can all enjoy happy, fulfilling lives while accomplishing great things in love, at home and at work, as we appreciate ourselves, our world and all others. She is the author of "Happy Healthy... Dead: Why What You Think You Know About Aging Is Wrong and How To Get It Right" (MindLab Publishing). You Matter. You Count. You Are Important. Visit,,

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Monday, March 22, 2021

The Smart Ways to Develop Goal Setting Skills

Stop procrastination -

Procrastination can happen at any time. It occurs when we avoid tasks that we find unpleasant. It hinders your long-term success. It is not enough to identify that you are avoiding a project. You should be able to fight procrastination by taking active steps. This process requires time and determination but once you take control of your schedule and work environment you can surely beat procrastination by reducing the time in delaying things each day. In turn, you will be able to improve your productivity and accomplish your goals. This will increase your Goal setting skills.

Follow Four P's -

When establishing goals, it is important to remember the Four P's of goal setting. They need to be positive, personal, possible, and prioritized.

· Be Positive - This helps in focusing on what you want to achieve rather than what you want to avoid. Being positive can always improve your chances for success.

· Make them personal - It is important for the goals to be made personal. Until and unless when don't make them personal we don't act on them effectively. There is a different impact of being personal and impersonal in our lives.

· Possible - Be honest to yourself, and while creating goals, make sure they are possible. When you set impossible goals, you set yourself up for failure and disappointment.

· Prioritize - The goals that are important to you need to be prioritized first. This will help you improve your Goal setting skills. They deserve your special attention as the rest of things would depend on their accomplishment. You need to choose these goals while prioritizing them depending on your passions, and make sure that they cover all areas of your life including professional, health, personal growth, finances, etc.

Stay motivated -

In order to achieve your goals, it is important that you find ways to motivate yourself. Always keep in mind those strong memories that create positive feelings. They will encourage and motivate you to keep moving forward and reach your goals. It is also a good idea to pen down your goals from time to time. Writing down goals creates a visual reminder of where you are going.

It is always a good thing to keep a track of your progress. You should know what you have accomplished over a particular period of time. Tracking your progress will help you see your accomplishments and which areas require more effort. Additionally, seeing the improvements that you make will motivate you to continue your hard work.

Goal setting is easy if you follow a simple strategy of making SMART Goals.

SMART stands for goals that are:

· S - Specific

· M - Measurable

· A - Attainable

· R - Relevant

· T - Time-bound

Keep this strategy in mind when setting goals to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Once you become explicit and detail oriented, execution of goals become easy.

To know about the best Personality development online course you can click on or you can visit the Maximize Success Academy site on

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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Principles of Success - Definiteness of Purpose

Everyone desires to succeed in life. When you seriously want something, you can sacrifice for it. Definiteness of purpose is an unwavering desire one has in life. It is a strong wish that needs to be realised. One needs to write it down to ensure that it is firmly planted in one's subconscious mind. It is said that whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve. Achieving such is not about how deep a person's formal education and poverty levels are. A person possesses some thing powerful to change anything in life.

Regardless of the number of times you may have failed in achieving something in life, definiteness of purpose shall help drive you achieve your desire. God the Creator has given a gift to every man, which is different from other creatures, that is, the ability to use and control the mind to achieve anything in life. You can control anything. Other creatures only follow instincts, which they do not even understand. It is, therefore, important that you describe exactly what you want. Set a goal bigger than the one you achieved before.

To very human being is placed two choices in life. That is to follow blessings or riches and curses, which are a result failure to control one's mind accordingly. You enjoy blessings if you possess and direct your mind. Failure to possess and direct the mind leads to penalties or negative consequences.

Blessings of possessing and directing the mind result in several benefits, which include sound health, peace of mind, freedom from fear and worry, positive mental attitude, and material riches of your choice and quantity.

On the other hand, failure to direct and control one's mind results in ill- health, fear and worry, indecision and doubt, frustration and discouragement throughout life, poverty and lack, a lot of evil consisting of things like anger, unforgiveness, etc.

What should you do to ensure you have definiteness of purpose?

1. Get some thing on which to write your major desire in life. It terms of achieving your desire in life, you are limited by those limits you accept or those you allow others to set for you.

2. Clearly describe what you intend to do in return to get what you desire in life. Begin doing it immediately. Always remember that there is nothing for nothing. Provide service or something of value.

3. Read and repeat the statements you have written down and memorise them. Read it the statements at least twice a day, that is, in the morning and evening.

Begin expressing gratitude for realizing your desire before holding it in your hands.

Definiteness of purpose is the first principle of success on anything you want to achieve in life. Know what you want and put it on a concise statement. It is important to determine what you can offer or provide in return to acquiring your desire. Put the two statements on paper or writing so you can read and memorize them. Read it regularly until it is part of you. Start expressing gratitude right away.

Visit for more information. Hire Me as Your Life Coach. I will assist you achieve the goals of your life in any area- Finances, Career, Marriage, Relationships, etc.

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Monday, March 8, 2021

Imagination Is The Engine That Drives Life

Thinking outside the box is the most powerful thing in the world. But, how many people get out of their self-imposed walls in life? Not too many, and with the billions all over the place, too few get out of that box. For anyone willing to read or listen, I am ready to spill those beans on how to knock down those walls and be imaginative. So, here is a little advice to start off with: Stop caring what others think and start thinking genuinely for yourself.

Now, I did not say do not take advice if it is not good, but to get out of "the box", you must be genuinely selective, realistically creative, and honest with yourself to the core. The best lives follow a self-made pattern anyway, right down to trusting intuition mostly over the advice of others "who know better" and being genuinely selective about taking any advice. Indeed creative and synthetic imagination (in that order) is the driver of life. Creative imagination because there is a better way to do things than the established way waiting within reality waiting to be discovered, and synthetic imagination in that more can be done with what already exists when we look a little beyond it in productive and creative ways.

When I think of creativity and imagination, the first thing I think of is the word "different", not the word "better". Because, "better" is a value judgement that says hey this is better than this and there is not any better way to do it, that is it, this is where it ends. The word "different" can open up possibilities instead of ending them with value judgements. "This is better than that" makes false assumptions about reality, "we can do this differently" opens up more possibilities really. Different is the open road that leads to new and better places, better is a dead end. So, that is where creativity really starts, with that distinction. Creativity in those senses is the ultimate "gray area" in realistic thinking, better makes "black and white" absolute value judgements like "this is better than that", when it stifles creativity or betterment, that is unrealistic thinking and action, really.

So, start thinking about reality in different ways, not so much better ways, because it is through that difference that reality genuinely improves. For example, I remember when my Dad used to take his own car engine apart twice and putting it back together before starting it after he fixed it to see how he could improve its functioning with his knowledge of how to fix a car, and he actually succeeded at getting it to run better, that is an example of productively different thinking. Buying a "better" new car is not always the answer, is it? Sure, this end example is a basic example of how creativity works in reality. But, it shows what I mean by creativity is "different", never "better". New ways of looking at reality are the differences that makes things better anyway.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Let The Miracles Happen

You must (As I must) program the positive until it comes to pass. If obstacles come up, work through them whatever they are. We all must genuinely realize ourselves fully to genuinely and ultimately enlighten. The easy, cheating way is a total illusion, but the hard way guarantees all results like cold, hard cash in the hand. We all need to work on ourselves without illusions. The only "easy" thing about real and genuine work on yourself is the cybernetic part: We must set the "thermostat" and the "temperature" of our goals and then move toward them within that framework relentlessly. Indeed, movement is always the "hard part", genuinely setting is the "easy part". Work is work, though and needs to be done to get anywhere. So, start with the cybernetic part and end with full realization of ourselves, it cannot be done any other way. Enlightenment comes with each goal we achieve, it is not a static condition to be "reached finally" really.

To win, we must do the work, to make the above paragraph shorter, and there is not any cheating that. Work starts with a goal and a reality to be realized.

Thinking about the genuine nature of miracles, they are nothing more than what I like to call "fulfilled cybernetic programming" that looks easy to achieve after it is achieved because it is definite, programmed and repeatable in reality as a law and a defined goal. Each goal achieved in that cybernetic sense is a small piece of enlightenment until full enlightenment and realization of ourselves is achieved through each goal achieved. Mastery is only achieving goals repeatedly anyhow, not doing the work and cheating and lying about it is only cheating yourself anyhow really. Only the earned counts, everything else is unearned cheating. Look down the line of everything, and you will find that what I am saying is honest and true.

Also, the wisest people genuinely earn it organically with work, the dumbest genuinely "fake it until they make it". One of the keys is being willing to genuinely earn and work toward the goals you want, the genuine door to go through is the "cybernetic factor" I am writing about. A full understanding, desire, and work ethic about things creates a genuine auto pilot whatever is faced in the interim getting toward the goal. Yes, relentlessness in reaching goals comes through these factors of full understanding, sincere desire and genuine work ethic. After all, the best achievements are the real achievements anyway in all reality. The fantasy is cheating and ease without skill.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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Monday, March 1, 2021

Don't Let Your Senses And Reasoning Dictate What Is Possible For You

 Guide Your Thoughts And Feelings

Think of a problem you're currently facing. Have you tried to overcome it? If your efforts have failed, are you willing to consider correcting your thoughts about the situation? It's common that when problems and challenges arise, we fixate on the issue trying to find a solution. After all, we live in a three-dimensional world and our problems are real. But I'd like to propose another faculty to help us overcome our problems. This faculty is the power of the human imagination, which is a precursor to our upcoming future. To prove this idea, have you ever ruminated on negative thoughts that eventually became a reality? Psychologists call this confirmation bias, where our beliefs and values confirm our thoughts. Neville Goddard was one of the first self-help authors to express these ideas, during the late 1930s to early 70s. He went to great lengths to support the idea of the human imagination being God, working through mankind.

I've studied his work for the last decade and whilst I agree with his philosophies, there's some I disagree with, given our understanding of physics and consciousness. One of Neville's popular sayings is: "Remember, everyone in your world is yourself pushed out. They only reflect what you have been and maybe still are doing. Blame no one, not even yourself, just change your diet. The diet is simply words, all within you." The premise is that our conscious or unconscious thoughts will be expressed in our life. Now, so I'm not misunderstood as preaching a New Age field of mysticism, I don't want you to take my word for it, but explore what I'm proposing in this article. My intention is to empower you with greater choice and freedom; particularly if this information is new to you. Neville repeatedly stated: "To change the state of mind, you change what you focus on and seek only to guide your thoughts and feelings in the direction of your desires and not on the evidence of your senses. This is what keeps us trapped."

This is the basis to this article; not allowing your senses and reasons to dictate what is possible for you. So, back to the problem I asked you about earlier. Chances are, you've been ruminating on the issue, using logic to solve it. Perhaps some of your efforts have worked, maybe others haven't. Hence, why I'm proposing an alternative way to overcome our problems by exploring a higher dimension. Again, Neville reminds us: "Once you feel and or believe your desire has already come true, it is instantly created in the fourth dimensional world and will come to you in time." To do this, we spend time throughout the day or before sleep, imagining what we want to create in place of our problems. We invoke the power of our imagination and use emotion, to bring to life a future possibility that yet exists. The key principle here is consistency. We must be consistent in our practice until our desires become reality.

You Are A Powerful Creator

I realise this may sound unbelievable and it certainly took me a while to embrace. The proof lies in putting it to the test. Throughout my research of Neville Goddard's work, many have spoken of him as the originator of the Law of Attraction, well before it was popularised via the film, The Secret. But what does this mean to you, in so far as overcoming problems? It requires tapping into the power and field of the subconscious mind, to bring to life unseen realities. It is the notion of shape-shifting the future and directing it through our creative intelligence. Neville Goddard proposed that God or the universe is dreaming through us via our imagination. We don't actually attract anything because everything already exists, in an unseen dimension; we simply align our thoughts to bring it into existence. This is the premise of what many call The Holographic universe, which Elon Musk alluded to when he spoke of life being a simulation.

Other mystics have claimed that divinity seeks to express itself in form through mankind. I'm not asking you to embrace religion or a God outside of you. I'm simply inviting you to appreciate, you are a powerful creator with powers beyond your wildest dreams. Again, do your due diligence and don't take my word for it. Do the research, whether it be Neville Goddard or other New Thought teachers. Put it to practice, to see whether it works for you; this is the ultimate test. Neville used this premise with students who attended his lectures. He asked them to imagine themselves climbing a ladder for three nights and recite the words: "I will not climb a ladder." A strange thing occurred, many of the students unconsciously found themselves climbing a ladder within days of this experiment. There's a YouTube video, depicting a former student of Neville talking about his experience with this experiment.

Neville would say: "Never accept anything as true and final unless it conforms to the ideal you desire to embody within your world." That is, nothing is final or fixed and things can change unexpectedly. This has been evident in 2020, with the Coronavirus where the entire world was impacted and lives uprooted. The power of the human imagination is powerful and I urge you to explore these ideas further, if this information resonates with you. We mustn't allow what is taking place in our life, particularly unfavourable events, to dictate the course of our destiny. Nothing is final and nothing lasts forever because what we're experiencing is based on the accumulation of thoughts from the past. To change our future, we must rearrange our thoughts and visualise the future we wish to bring forth in our reality. After all, fate is merely the subjective influence of our thoughts, to create that which is yet unseen in the third dimension.

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Make Peace With Your Dream

Often, when we are told to "make peace with" something, it's in a challenging context, as in "make peace with" your ...